How to Start Blogging in 2022
How to Start Blogging in 2022 || Online Earning in 2022 |
Starting your own blog may seem like an intimidating task, but it can actually be easier than you think! Here are five things you can do to start your own blog, as well as advice on how to make your dream of running your own personal site come true, in just a few years time. From choosing the right name and niche to figuring out the best platform for you, this guide has everything you need to know about starting your own blog in 2022!
Get on the right path
Before you can start blogging, you need a website. There are plenty of platforms you can use for that, including WordPress, Tumblr and Squarespace. Depending on what your budget is and what kind of site you want, there’s a right platform for your blogging adventure. We’ll leave it up to you! Once your site is ready, get some colors going.
Choose your niche
If you’re going to start a new business, it can be beneficial to choose a niche—or topics that you want your business to revolve around. For example, if you know about a specific skill set, why not target posts around that? Or maybe there’s an industry that seems like it would do well online and with social media these days? The possibilities are endless! When choosing your niche, find something that interests you or something you feel as though you could become an expert at.
Set up your blog
Once you’ve decided that you want to start your own site, set up your actual website. There are tons of great, affordable options out there, including Squarespace, WordPress, Weebly and Wix. As with most things on a budget, though, I’d recommend starting with a free option before moving on to something paid.
Pick a platform
The great thing about blogging is that it doesn’t require you to purchase any specific tools. There are many free platforms out there that allow you to get started with just a few clicks of your mouse. However, keep in mind that if you want things like analytics, an email list and other goodies, you’ll need some cash up front. There are three main platforms: WordPress (self-hosted), Tumblr (hosted) and Weebly (also hosted). Now let’s talk numbers: Google+ with its 1 billion users might be a viable option—but Google shut down Reader without warning and took away public sharing, so it could take a hit soon as well.
Blog consistently
Do you want to make blogging a business? You need to learn how to create a schedule and be consistent with your blogging. Whatever your schedule is, find a routine that works for you and stick with it. Consistency helps build up an audience over time, so that you’ll never go long without having something fresh on your website. If possible, don’t let more than three days go by without writing something new. Since we have so many different options when it comes to platforms and methods of sharing our content these days, consistency is even more important than ever! While 2018 saw increases in all major social media channels—most notably Instagram stories—blogging will remain just as crucial going forward. So get out there and publish!
Create an author brand
It may sound simple, but a quick Google search of how to build an author brand will give you results with lengthy steps and instructions. It all begins with self-discovery: take some time to reflect on your values, passions, and unique stories. As much as we want our readers to buy our books (and it is more about them than us), we also want them to know why you should be someone worth listening to—whether that be through your personality or expertise. With over 800 million blogs existing today, it’s vital that we stay relevant by putting out content that reflects who we are as individuals.
Build an email list
Do you know what a captive audience is? It’s a group of people who don’t have any options besides listening to what you have to say. A customer that buys your product, a colleague that doesn’t have an exit strategy and your own family are all captive audiences. To start building your own captive audience, try creating free email courses or webinars with valuable information. You can create them on topics related to your niche and then entice users into signing up for more content by offering them a discount on some sort of product or service.
Update your website
While it’s true that creating a website is no longer as necessary as it once was, having one is still a good idea if you’re trying to increase your brand exposure. However, instead of creating a completely new site and sinking money into hosting, security and upkeep, consider using an existing platform. Sites like Squarespace and Wordpress allow you to create simple websites quickly and easily without breaking your budget. Just set up your domain name through GoDaddy or another hosting service (see #1), add any third-party plug-ins that will help people learn more about you (or send them off to subscribe), add an image that represents you best and begin writing.
Develop relationships with other bloggers
As you’re trying to decide on a niche for your own site, it’s crucial that you build relationships with other bloggers who are already established in those niches. This will allow you to take advantage of their social media reach and ask them questions about how they monetize their sites or where they look for readership. Don’t waste time on relationships that don’t pan out; instead, be mindful of what resonates with others and continue building connections with those who seem like a good fit. Remember: networking is key, especially when trying to make connections in an industry where most people prefer more passive forms of communication like email or direct messaging on social media.
Create affiliate relationships with brands you love and trust
Creating affiliate relationships with trusted brands that you love can be a great way to diversify your income and earn extra money, without making it your only source of income. Affiliate marketing is a very flexible way of earning passive income for doing something you are passionate about. If you have an interest or hobby that's related to your niche and find ways of writing about it, you can build a large following over time by being transparent with your audience and offering helpful content through collaboration on products or services you love. This can help create loyalty and trust between you and your audience, as well as provide additional revenue streams if they decide to purchase any one of these items themselves. It will take time to develop affiliate marketing opportunities, but once they're established they can be extremely lucrative.
Sponsor local events, meetups, and giveaways for your community
The relationship building that you do when sponsoring local events or giving out free goodies at meetups or giveaways will pay off tenfold in terms of exposure. By hosting events and doing things for your community, you become a trusted individual and build a stronger connection with those people. Not only will your community feel more personally connected to you but they’ll be more likely to share, like, subscribe, and comment on your business pages. The more personally invested others are with your brand, the more loyalty you’ll see from potential customers as well.
Respond to comments on social media as soon as possible after posting them
Negative comments on social media can often be more damaging than having a few bad reviews. But it’s important that you not only reply as soon as possible, but also to do so respectfully and professionally. Take a minute or two out of your schedule to acknowledge that you’ve heard their complaint and reassure them with an update about how you plan on resolving it or improving things for next time. This will help demonstrate your dedication and commitment to keeping your customers happy, which ultimately leads to repeat sales and long-term client relationships.
Design your blog so it can be used effectively for outreach and building your brand.
Instead of showing up on Twitter with a simple profile, start by creating a website that looks professional. If you’re blogging full-time, you should have some budget for design—even if it’s just hiring someone part-time. Design your site so it can be used effectively for outreach and building your brand: include a compelling headline, enticing images, and an explanation of who you are and what you write about. With these elements in place, anyone coming across your site will feel compelled to click through. Even if they don’t want anything from you yet, they’ll remember that small connection made when they reach out next time.
Good work